Reckoning Haiku Explores Trauma and Flourishing

The Reckoning team creates *Haiku to explore trauma, flourishing and anti-racism in nursing. The Haiku’s were presented by Dr. Raeann Leblanc at the June 2023 Garrison Institute’s Mind and Life Research Institute

Open your ears to hear.
With the Courage to listen
Care to feel my pain.
By: Frankie Manning

Challenge, Chaos, Crime
Still, we nurses Rise
Speak Truth and Thrive
By: Gayle Robinson

To tell a story
Involve an imagination
Still reveals the truth
By: Lucinda Canty

The mighty oak grows
Tall it stands in telling truths
Listen and transform
By: Raeann LeBlanc

Round listening
Center, loud quiet voices
Sun rays see you, speak!
By: Sharon Latimer-Mosley

Butterfly stomach
Glide the wind, silent wing sounds
Heard in quiet minds
By: Sharon Latimer Mosley

Tree root tangles breach
Concert break breathes earth
Compromised tree greets the sun
By: Sharon Latimer-Mosley

*Haiku poems are a Japanese poetic form that consists of three lines, with five syllables in the
first line, seven in the second, and five in the third often within the context of the elements of


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